Monday, March 24, 2014

My Favorite Thing from Yesterday (1) - "Ella Bit Me" Note

After a handful of negative posts (and a few queued up to be posted), I decided it was time to be positive about my Leatherkids.  There are many positives, some buried beneath the repeated challenges of parenting the Leatherkids, others among a full collection of positives that almost make me forget how deeply frustrated I may have been at some point during the day... or the week... or the month.

I will share 7 positives over the course of 7 days, one per day.  I call this "My Favorite Thing from Yesterday" line of posts.  Day 1's (or is it Day's 1?) follows.

My favorite thing from yesterday is this note that Cal wrote and illustrated about an experience he had had with Ella:

Cal's "Ella Bit Me" Note
If it's difficult to see, it reads:

"Daddy today Ella
Bit me on purpose
Not an axidint
Not even I bit
her on purpose
I did not bite

And beneath the words is a hand-drawn picture of Cal's leg, complete with bite mark and black sock.

I'm not exactly thrilled that this note was inspired by a real-life experience that had happened 10 minutes before it was delivered to Dan, nor do I feel sorry for the kid -- he was just getting ready to chomp down on Ella's arm when I stopped him only to learn that she had, in fact, bitten him in the leg... at the top of his calf... right where he indicated on the leg he drew in the picture.

The gravity of the biting scenario was lifted with this picture, though Ella did serve her time in timeout.  This picture just made me laugh and, I think, is a fine start to a week of my favorite things from yesterday (or is it favorite thing from yesterdays?).

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