Friday, December 6, 2013

Weather Week, Day 5 - Pirates Battle the Elements

Over the course of last week, Cal would disappear into the "toy room" and emerge with a picture drawn in red ink on a piece of paper not bigger than 3" by 5".  Each picture told the story of some pirates who had battled some bad weather out at sea, and each picture had remarkable detail.  I thought I'd share some of them and highlight some things in them that may go unnoticed to anyone unfamiliar with Cal's drawings.

Here are drawings 1 and 2.  In the first one, it looks like the tornado broke the pirate ship in half and knocked a couple of pirates... and a wolf... off of the ship.  In the second, a major snowstorm put some cracks in the ship.  As if the snowstorm wasn't enough, the pirate also had to contend with the shark as they both tried to catch the same set of fish.

Here are drawings 3 and 4.  Clearly, the tornado in the top picture knocked a pirate off of the ship entirely, and that second pirate is barely hanging on.  The expression on the third pirate's face is excellent -- he's pissed. Looks like some nasty lightning came along with that typhoon in the bottom picture -- it must've hit the ship which then caught fire... in two places!


Here are pictures 5 and 6.  The tornado in the top drawing brought A LOT of hail with it.  That pirate isn't afraid of it, thought, and that's one sturdy hat he's wearing.  And did the lightning set the water on fire?  In the bottom drawing, the pirates finally caught a break -- a sunny day.  Two of the pirates appear to be pretty content and relaxed; the third must still be worn out.  He's probably the one who was pelted by the hail, putting out the fires and saving his pirate buddies.  I think those stars around the swords are there to make the swords look shiny.  And Cal told me what that box/machine thing on the left side of the second ship is, but I can't remember at the moment.

So that's just a handful of the pictures Cal drew of pirates battling the elements.


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