Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Weather Week, Day 2 - This Morning's Clouds

Cal quietly got dressed this morning.  As Dan and I managed Ella and her roller coaster morning attitude, he remained in his room putting on the clothes he had laid out for himself the night before.  We didn't ask him to get ready -- he just did it.

Once dressed, he made an appearance in our bedroom and announced that he had been looking out the window but couldn't tell what type of clouds were in the morning sky.  These were his first words of the day, and I have to figure they were likely his first thoughts as well.

We all proceeded with our bumpy, pre-train-ride morning routine, gradually making our way downstairs, into our shoes and coats and out the door to the car.  It's rarely pretty, often tense and usually effective.  Before hopping into the car, though, Cal took a few steps onto the driveway, looked up at the sky and declared, "Those are stratus clouds."

I'm no cloud expert, but I've recently done my share of reading and looking and learning about the different types of clouds.  I found this cloud chart and refer back to it often -- stratus, altostratus... our morning clouds sure looked like one of those types.  The kid was right. 

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