It really is fun to re-read posts from the past -- I had forgotten about many of these! January was the month we started using... or trying to use the Thumbguard to "help" Cal to stop sucking his thumb (a battle that didn't last long and one where Cal emerged the victor). As for picking my favorite post, it's a toss-up -- the one on the 31st was analytical and excellent, and the detail in the picture post on the 18th was simply fantastic.
Anyway, here they are:
January 7, 2013
sang the ND Fight Song with Dan and the kids on the way to school this AM. Go Irish!
January 10, 2013
re-enacted my poking Cal in the eye with my nose when I kissed him good night in the dark last night with Cal before heading in to work this AM. He wanted to show Grandpa how it looked in slow motion.
January 13, 2013
caught Ella coloring the counter with a colored pencil and told her no, that she should only be coloring paper. Her response? "Why?"
January 13, 2013
is watching Cal draw a picture for me for my birthday because "adults have birthdays, too." He just said he needs to add a cake to the picture, and that evolved into his being my server, what kind of cake did I want (chocolate, I said) and did I want a princess cake (yes!). And then he said he'd bring me coffee and then whispered in my ear this secret: "when you're done, you can take a balloon home with you and have a piece of cake."
January 15, 2013
had just finished counting to 3 as motivation to get Cal to choose what jammies to wear tonight when he volunteered, "I'm going to pick up all of my dinosaurs before you count to 3." He then proceeded to start picking up the tiny replicas strewn on his bedroom floor but realized I wasn't counting yet, paused and then said, "start counting, Mom." I was so flabbergasted by his suggestion that I forgot to count!

January 17, 2013
Cal drew this at school today -- makes me smile and feel like I'm doing something right. (-->)
January 18, 2013
Cal to the delivery guy just now as he opened the front door solo after hearing the doorbell ring: "ExCUSE me, Sir..."
January 18, 2013
Here's another picture drawn by Cal. That's me in the top, left corner. Cal and Ella are jumping on a trampoline (complete with bouncy symbols). Dan Leatherman is sitting on a chair taking a picture of them jumping. And that's our house in the background.
January 19, 2013
wonders how Dan's donut run always seems to turn into 20 minutes of misery for her. Cal wants to go but doesn't put his shoes and coat on when asked, Dan leaves, Cal's left whining incessantly about wanting to go, I'm left explaining to him that he needs to make better choices and then Ella becomes upset for reasons NO ONE knows. 10 minutes down, about 10 to go...
January 20, 2013
is amused by Cal at this moment -- he is playing fumble football again with his two playmates, Elmo and Gorilla. The kid makes me laugh without even knowing it.
January 23, 2013
had the pleasure of giving Cal a bath tonight under all of these conditions:
a) he was standing up in the tub the whole time
b) he was whining the whole time
c) he was telling me that he doesn't like me
d) he was hungry (having been sent upstairs w/o dinner after plenty of chances to "right the ship")
e) we still had the thumb-guard to put on
Ahhh... parenthood... :)
January 24, 2013
Cal giving me the rundown on the thumbguard: "If I want to suck my thumb, I just go like this <pries his thumb out of the thumb slot, sticks his thumb in his mouth>; if I don't want to suck my thumb, I go like this <wriggles his thumb back into the thumb slot>."
My response? "We'll have to put the thumbguard on tighter."
We will surely be in the 1% of thumbsuckers where the thumbguard didn't work.
January 27, 2013
was offered some hot apple juice by Cal this AM and responded with a pleasant, "Yes." Cal's response was, "Yes, PLEASE?"
He got me.
January 31, 2013
During the car ride to school this AM, Cal talked about the different ways to say "no." There's the "mean" way: "NO!" And there's the polite way: "No, thank you." He ended the discussion with, "No's a complicated word." No kidding.
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