No one makes Ella laugh more than Cal does, and this is never more evident than at the kitchen table. The typical Leatherman family meal can be broken down into two major components. The first half involves Dan and me doing everything in our power to get the kids to focus on eating – sometimes we incent, sometimes we threaten and occasionally we just give in. The second half of dinner involves Cal doing oddball things to get Ella to laugh her hearty, from-the-gut laugh. Tactics he’s used most frequently include making goofy faces, crossing his eyes, hitting his forehead with his hand, banging the back of his head on his chair, saying incomprehensible “words,” doing the “cold” body shake, among others. (I should note that not all of these tactics have mine and Dan’s approval; but he does them nonetheless, if only to get a laugh out of Ella… or maybe a “please don’t” out of Dan… or, more likely, both.)
The other morning, Cal had “finished” (declared he was done, plenty of food still on his plate) his breakfast and decided to introduce some new entertainment for Ella. Typical of most kids (and, frankly, me), Cal has been very impressed and entertained by the antics of Uncle Perry, my friend from high school who joggles, juggles, plays the ukulele and balances hats on his nose. So he decided he’d use an Uncle Perry-ism on Ella to get her to laugh. It didn't get many gutty laughs out of Ella, but it was entertaining for both of them nonetheless. Take a look:
Uncle Perry is cracking up!! Love it.