Here are my Leatherkid-related Facebook posts from April, May and June, 2011. They are unedited and should generally be assumed to start with “Carla Reiter Leatherman…”
My clear favorite post during this time period was the first one on April 2nd. 'Nuf said.
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Cal and Ella (June, 2011) |
My clear favorite post during this time period was the first one on April 2nd. 'Nuf said.
April 2, 2011
Loves Cal's honesty. Note this exchange:
Cal: Daddy, I want my shopping cart back please.
Daddy: Why was the shopping cart taken away from you?
Cal: Because I was chasing Squeaker with it.
Daddy: If you get your shopping cart back, will you chase him with it?
Cal: Yes.
Loves Cal's honesty. Note this exchange:
Cal: Daddy, I want my shopping cart back please.
Daddy: Why was the shopping cart taken away from you?
Cal: Because I was chasing Squeaker with it.
Daddy: If you get your shopping cart back, will you chase him with it?
Cal: Yes.
April 10, 2011
thinks she should probably head upstairs to save Daddy.
April 10, 2011thinks she should probably head upstairs to save Daddy.
enjoyed a bike ride with Cal this AM and hopes the fresh air and activity have a positive effect on his terrible twos-ness the rest of the day.
April 11, 2011
needs an effective timeout idea -- the current one is not working on Cal.
April 12, 2011
should've thought that the "Cranky Crab" t-shirt that Cal chose to wear this morning was a sign of how the day would go.
should've thought that the "Cranky Crab" t-shirt that Cal chose to wear this morning was a sign of how the day would go.
April 13, 2011
wonders "could this kid be hungry AGAIN?"
wonders "could this kid be hungry AGAIN?"
April 16, 2011
got clearance to resume all activities but wishes she wasn't so exhausted at the start.
got clearance to resume all activities but wishes she wasn't so exhausted at the start.
April 18, 2011
wonders why she can't seem to get her act together even with all of this non-working time on her hands -- it's "wear-red" day at school, and poor Cal is wearing grey.
wonders why she can't seem to get her act together even with all of this non-working time on her hands -- it's "wear-red" day at school, and poor Cal is wearing grey.
April 22, 2011
Miracle of all miracles -- Cal got back on the horsey!
Miracle of all miracles -- Cal got back on the horsey!
April 23, 2011
is hoping the kiddies don't think the Easter Bunny is as creepy looking as she thought yesterday when they sit on his lap this AM.
April 26, 2011
is dragging the kiddies to the library for some story time.
is dragging the kiddies to the library for some story time.
April 29, 2011
and her little Ella Bella have a couple of insatiable appetites today.
and her little Ella Bella have a couple of insatiable appetites today.
May 1, 2011
is proud to say that Cal can spell GLAMOROUS but isn't sure that he can do so without singing it.
is proud to say that Cal can spell GLAMOROUS but isn't sure that he can do so without singing it.
May 1, 2011
's son wasn't sure if Uncle Jer was a boy or a girl earlier today... Daddy: "Is Mommy a girl or a boy?" Cal: "A grill." Daddy: "Is Daddy a girl or a boy?" Cal: "A boy." Daddy: "Is Aunt Erin a girl or a boy?" Cal: "a grill." Daddy: "Is Uncle Jerry a girl or a boy?" Cal: <pauses> "Is he a boy or a grill?"
is a little sad that Ella is sleeping in her crib (and not the bassinet) tonight... they grow up so fast...
May 3, 2011
ended her day laughing at Cal -- he pulled out a second pre-bedtime book to read, clenched his fists, scrunched his face up in a tough-guy look and crouched down in a stance mimicking the ND leprechaun. The book? The Notre Dame words book, with the ND leprechaun on the cover. What a crack-up.
ended her day laughing at Cal -- he pulled out a second pre-bedtime book to read, clenched his fists, scrunched his face up in a tough-guy look and crouched down in a stance mimicking the ND leprechaun. The book? The Notre Dame words book, with the ND leprechaun on the cover. What a crack-up.
May 3, 2011
thinks naptime couldn't have come at a better time today... except maybe a few hours earlier...
thinks naptime couldn't have come at a better time today... except maybe a few hours earlier...
May 5, 2011
hopes Aunts Kel Kel, Erin and Kristi don't get offended by this, but Ella's "I Love My Aunt" onesie has been the victim of a blowout every time she's worn it.
hopes Aunts Kel Kel, Erin and Kristi don't get offended by this, but Ella's "I Love My Aunt" onesie has been the victim of a blowout every time she's worn it.
May 5, 2011
thinks Cal has a crush on the "grill" we met at the park this AM -- when we got home he picked up the ringing play phone and said, "Is it the grill? Hi, grill. Okay, bye"... and hung up.
thinks Cal has a crush on the "grill" we met at the park this AM -- when we got home he picked up the ringing play phone and said, "Is it the grill? Hi, grill. Okay, bye"... and hung up.
May 6, 2011
thinks Cal is so thoughtful... earlier this evening, he held his sippy cup up to his chest and said that he was pumping some apple juice for Ella.
thinks Cal is so thoughtful... earlier this evening, he held his sippy cup up to his chest and said that he was pumping some apple juice for Ella.
May 11, 2011
just read the kids' new book "Diary of a Spider" on her own and laughed all the way through it... not sure if it's just that clever or if it's time for Carla to get some more adult time...
just read the kids' new book "Diary of a Spider" on her own and laughed all the way through it... not sure if it's just that clever or if it's time for Carla to get some more adult time...
May 11, 2011
is holding her breath, hoping Ella takes this bottle...
is holding her breath, hoping Ella takes this bottle...
May 13, 2011
Me and my kids on Mother's Day by the flowers we planted.
Me and my kids on Mother's Day by the flowers we planted.
May 13, 2011
Ella in her outfit from Aunt Erin.
Ella in her outfit from Aunt Erin.

May 16, 2011
is watching the "scary monsters" with Cal.
May 17, 2011
is pretty bummed she's in her last week of maternity leave... :(
is pretty bummed she's in her last week of maternity leave... :(
May 28, 2011
has drawn more scary monsters this past week than she has in her whole lifetime.
has drawn more scary monsters this past week than she has in her whole lifetime.
June 6, 2011
's little girl rolled over from her back to her belly for the first time today! Yea, Ella Bella!
's little girl rolled over from her back to her belly for the first time today! Yea, Ella Bella!
June 11, 2011
learned a valuable parenting lesson yesterday -- never wear flip flops when you take your toddler to the ball fields to "watch" a game or two, especially after a heavy rainstorm.
June 13, 2011
considered taking Big Teddy & the stroller in place of the Kid for her run tonight but opted to take the iPod instead.
considered taking Big Teddy & the stroller in place of the Kid for her run tonight but opted to take the iPod instead.
June 15, 2011
wonders how many different scary monsters CAN she draw?
wonders how many different scary monsters CAN she draw?
June 23, 2011
is just really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really tired.
is just really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really tired.
Nicely done! Loved the inclusion of pictures too.