We dropped Ella off at school today with her dress on forward, meaning, not backwards. It's backwards-day at school. Shocker. I wish there were a mismatch day -- she'd kill that one without even trying.
So be it.
Before we got there, I somehow got sucked in to a conversation (if you'd even call it that) about how Duncan Keith likes heath donuts. "Do you get it Mommy?" Cal asked me. He's on a big rhyming/play-on-words bit these days.
"Dunkin Donuts... Duncan... Dunkin," he said. "Only they're not spelled the same way. Dunkin Donuts is spelled D-U-N-K-I-N. Duncan Keith is spelled D-U-N-K-E-N."
I was picturing the letters in my head and knew he hadn't spelled it correctly, but I couldn't think of the correct spelling (I'm tired); so I left it uncorrected. I had to look it up before writing this post.
"Yeah, I get it, Cal," I said.
"And Keith... Heath are spelled the same way," he told me.
"No they're not," I said, "Keith is spelled K-E-I-T-H." I assumed he knew how to spell heath.
"No, but..." we just continued to argue about it, and I don't even know why or, really, what he was really telling me. He wasn't necessarily disagreeing with my spelling; he just thought I was missing something, which I clearly was. I think it's because in between the whole rhyming-spelling thing, Cal went on and on and on about something related, and I just didn't hear what he was saying. He didn't realize or act like it, but we were in our mad scramble to get out the door.
Turns out, it was a pretty successful morning, except that I skipped my run. It wasn't that I didn't want to get up early; it's that I just didn't want to run. Before I gave myself that break, I checked the forecast -- cloudy but no rain, near 60. My plan became to run outside during lunch today. It was okay to not run in the morning.
Dan and I made it to the earlier train and didn't have to sprint to catch it. I had another crazy busy day at work that had me (and Dan) catching the latest train that would still allow us to get to the kids' school for pickup before they close at 6:30pm. I did get my run in at lunch, by the way -- I did my "nostalgia run," which ended up being a little over four miles. Go me.
Ella was a piece of work just about as soon as we were out the door at school. She was completely uncooperative, obstinate and declared that she hated us (for making her get in the car). She suffered some consequences for that and eventually apologized. "Hate" was added to the list of don't-ever-say words, a list which now includes two words "stupid" and "hate".
There was a lot of parallel tasking going on in the Leatherman house from the moment we got home to the moment the kids hit their beds. Cal and Dan shot hoops, and Ella eventually made her way out to watch while I fixed dinner. It was the day 5 meal of the week-of-meals plan I intended to follow this week but only the second meal from it that I fixed. Dan took the garbage out while I cleared the table and then took the kids upstairs for showers while I put dishes in the dishwasher. During the second half of showers, I made Cal's bed. And while Dan got dressed for bed after his shower, I helped the kids brush their teeth. Finally, while the kids and Dan lay in our bed watching an NHL hockey game (Pittsburg-NY Rangers, maybe?), I put a load of laundry in the washing machine and then eventually got jammied up myself and lay with them in our bed. Zoe soon joined us, and eventually we each took a Leatherkid to his respective bed and lay with him a little bit more before he fell asleep. It was maybe an hour and a half to two hours after we arrived home from our days that they were asleep.
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