Thursday, May 28, 2020

COVID-19 Pandemic, for Ella

I asked the Leatherkids to spend a little time capturing independently what COVID-19 means to each of them and said that I'd post it them in my blog.  "I don't know what to write in a blog," they complained together.  I told them not to worry about that and to simply write down how they've been feeling while being holed up with shelter-in-place orders for two months because of the worldwide pandemic.  "Ten things," I directed.  "And I'm not logging you in to play Roblox until you do this." They got right to it.  Unfortunately, I have to do that.  These types of requests are typically met with incessant "I don't want to" or "I don't know how to," and that's where this one was headed.  While unfortunate that I have to, fortunately, I have that play.

Anyway, I thought I'd start with Ella's -- her list was done first and actually with more thought put into it than I expected given her reluctance to do the task.  Here are the ten feelings Ella captured (misspellings and grammar errors left uncorrected):

I feel bored.

I feel happy to be with mom.

I feel mad that Trump doesn't care about the pandemic.

I feel sad not being able to see teachers and freinds.

I feel grateful to have a house during COVID-19.

I feel excited because school is ending.

I feel weird having to stay home all the time.

I feel grateful to have a older brother to play with.

I feel good to have a grandpa who makes me laugh during this Pandemic.

I feel great to have a awesome family who helps me get threw this.

And with that, we have a little insight into what Ella's been feeling for the past two months.

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