Saturday, May 30, 2020

COVID-19 Pandemic, for Cal

This is the continuation of the Leatherkids' exercise to put some thought behind and capture what COVID-19 has meant to each of them, this time with Cal's.  I was really pleased with his creativity in using the 10-letter word "Quarantine" to help shape his thoughts.

Anyway, here are Cal's 10 feelings (missed punctuation left uncorrected).

Q... Questionable - I feel safe but some people question Covid-19.

U... Underrated - people don't really follow social distancing measures.

A... Angry - I feel angry at our failed government and especially Donald Trump! He fired our only chance out of this! Like, what? Even my 8 9 year old sister would've made a better choice.

R... Really Boring - when Spring Break came, it was the most boring of my life!

A... Anxious - I am anxious to get out and see people.

N... No Days Off - I train for basketball every day!

T... Tiring - we've had so many weeks at home and it gets boring.

I... Irritates me to no extent when a word about "fake news" and "disinfectant" comes out of Trumps mouth!

N... Need to get out - I really feel snug and really need to go somewhere.

E... E-Learning really stinks.

And with that, we have a little insight into what Cal's been feeling for the past two months.

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