Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Ella's Selfies

So we went to the White Sox game this past Saturday, Dan, Grandpa, Cal, Ella and I.  It was a cold one -- I think it dipped below 50 degrees, which didn't factor in the windchill. This might deter the occasional Sox-game attendee from going to the game, but not these occasional Sox-game attendees.  No way.  Afterall, we have a son crazy interested in MLB baseball right now, and it was Chris Sale Stretchy-Guy Day -- we had to go.

While we were there, Ella took some selfies; and that's the point of this post -- I just wanted to share Ella's selfies.  She's not a fan of baseball just yet, but the selfy?  She loves it.  And I love it because it keeps her entertained for a decent chunk of time better than anything else does.  Here are a few gems, all actually taken by Ella:

Ella's first selfie -- it was a good one... I only helped frame us
Ella took control
Not sure what's going on with her face here!
"Make a face, Mommy!"
Her expression cracks me up!

Here comes the tongue! 

Look at me sneaking back in!

"Do this with your tongue, Mommy!"

How fun is that?  Very.  And we made it through 7 innings (after having gotten there an hour and a half before gametime), and the White Sox won.

Good times.  Good times, indeed.

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