Saturday, January 24, 2015

No Nay Never!

I'm not sure why it happened, but all of a sudden I find myself singing a line from the Irish tune, "Wild Rover" practically every time my answer to a Leatherkid question is "No."

"Mommy, can I have a treat?"  Ella might ask shortly after eating one bite of her lunch.

"NO...NAY... NEVER!  NO NAY NEVER NO MORE!" I respond.

"Mommy, can I watch another episode of Chima?" Cal might ask after having already watched an episode of Chima and four episodes of Wild Kratts.


It's kind of fun.  Not that I enjoy saying, "No."  But saying it as "NO... NAY... NEVER" makes it easier and sometimes elicits a smile or smirk out of the receiving Leatherkid.  Other times it muffles the backlash I might get -- the word "No" barely leaves my lips and the receiving Leatherkid is already whining and asking, "whyyYYYYY?"  I can barely hear it because I'm still singing, "... NAY NEVER!  NO NAY NEVER NO MORE!"

And now, the Leatherkids are singing it, too, at random times during the day.  More often than not, it goes like this, "no nay never no nay never no nay never!"

The other day, Ella threw a twist into it, "no nay never no nay never yes nay never!"  She snuck a "yes" in there.  Made me laugh.  She doesn't know how funny she is.

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