Saturday, November 23, 2013

Cal's Gift Ideas for Grandma

My mom called us this morning to find out our birthday plans for Cal.  Since his birthday is during the Christmas season, I automatically thought that she was looking for gift ideas for Cal for Christmas when she asked me for some things that he likes.

Cal happened to be breathing down my neck at that time, so instead of delivering her some ideas myself, I handed the phone to Cal for him to do that.  "Cal, Grandma is asking for some ideas for Christmas.  Tell her some things that you like."

He got right to it.  "Superheroes.  I like Superhero stuff."

He paused to gather more thoughts. "Um, boy things... umm... Daddy, what do boys like?"

"Tell her things that YOU like, Cal," Dan responded.

"Umm... Ninja stuff. Well, Ninja Turtles... I like Ninja Turtles."  And then  he added, "And

Angry Birds stuff."

Cal then listened to whatever my mom was saying to him, or, at least, appeared to be listening.  After several seconds I'm sure he cut her off when he wrapped up the conversation with a matter-of-fact, "And can you try to remember these things for my birthday?  If you don't, that's okay -- you can just call me."

Turns out, Grandma was looking for some gift ideas for Cal's birthday, so I don't think she'll need to call him back about that.  She got some good ideas and some even better laughs.

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