Monday, December 31, 2012

Bye Bye, 2012

I need to be showered, dressed and preparing more food for our little New Year's celebration with the Reinkes in 31 minutes, so here's a quickie post, mostly because I'm embarrassed and disappointed in myself that I haven't posted anything since 12/19 but also because I feel that I should give an official good-bye to 2012 and hello to 2013.

I did a quick jot of some New Year's Resolutions (aka Goals) for 2013 and thought I'd share them.  My goal before I shower, dress and start to prepare food was to have 10 -- I may add some but I will not take any of these away.  Here they are:

  1. Introduce monthly goals back into life.  I will start January as no-pop month.
  2. Make 100 blog entries for the year.
  3. Read 6 books.
  4. Run the ½ Marathon in Naperville… whenever it is.
  5. Run at least 9 miles per week.
  6. Work out at least 4 times per week.
  7. Sign Cal up for swimming lessons.
  8. Wrap for-sure-not-to-be-returned Christmas presents as they are bought (within 2 days of buying them).
  9. Put up more Christmas lights next year – currently thinking on bedroom windows, on all bushes in the front of our house and draped across entertainment center and at landing
  10. Sign up for and attend full set of yoga classes. (Note: class would count as a workout day.)
Good-bye 2012 -- you were pretty good to me overall.  And I look forward to you, 2013 -- I think you'll be better!

Happy, Healthy New Year, everyone!

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