Friday, July 27, 2012

Water, Sir?

We do workweek, pre-bedtime evenings pretty well in the Leatherman household. We have to -- there's just not enough time to dilly dally.  It typically involves fixing dinner, eating dinner, cleaning up after dinner, hanging out for a few seconds, and heading upstairs to get ready for bed with some orneriness and moodiness throughout.  Tonight was no different than the typical, except for one thing: Cal set the table… without my even asking and without seeking any praise for having done so.

It was fun to watch as I fixed dinner.  He started with the stack of little plastic plates.  Then he brought out the fish plate for himself, bee plate for Ella, white plates for Dan and me… doh, scratch that, white plate for me, big green plate for Dan.  Bib for Ella.  Little big-people forks for everyone placed on each plate.  Ella, wanting to be a part of this, added the heart plate, which Cal promptly put back into the cabinet.  Then, perhaps most impressively to me, he grabbed a couple of glasses off of the counter, filled them with water from the fridge and placed them at Dan’s and my spots at the table.  And eventually he added the play fishbowl as a centerpiece for our enjoyment.
I don't know.  Maybe I should expect this out of my 3-1/2 year old. Stuff like this makes me proud.  I mean, just check out this table:

1 comment:

  1. That is really great! Love the table decoration!
