Last night was “Bath Night” in the Leatherman house. Unless we have a couple of ridiculously dirty kids or a couple of ridiculously tired parents, Bath Night is on the docket for the evening every other day. Bath Night is highly anticipated – it’s often a question posed by Cal in the car ride home from “school” on weekdays, “Mommy, is it Bath Night?” It is also one of the rare things for which we can almost count on full cooperation from the kids, excluding the week a couple of months ago where Ella screamed and stood through her entire bath... oh, and excluding Cal drinking the bath water despite our pleas that he not do so… oh, and Ella standing despite our attempts to keep her sitting… oh, and the time that Cal had to go straight to bed after his bath because he wouldn’t go “potty” before getting into the tub. Perhaps “cooperation” was the wrong word; excitement and celebration are probably more appropriate.
At any rate, Ella’s usually out of the tub first, followed by a two-minute warning for Cal. He likes to “be the diver,” which involves him sprawling out belly down in the 6 inches of water in our Jacuzzi tub (Grandma broke the stopper on the tub in the kids’ bathroom), one of those swirly straws in his mouth (his snorkel) and I’m not even sure if his face ever actually in the water. I never really count the two minutes – sometimes it’s 30 seconds, other times it might even be 5 minutes. Regardless, after the “two minutes” are up, Cal likes to be the one to let the water out. Last night, that went like this:
Me: “Okay, Cal, time to let the water out!"
Cal: No response, but wriggling a bit in the water
Me: “Cal, please let the water out.”
Cal: No response, still wriggling.
Me: “Okay, I will.” And I leaned toward the tub to do so.
Cal: “NO! I want to let it out with my BUNS.” And he wriggled his “buns” (butt) until they were on top of the stopper and bounced them up and down until the stopper let up to let the water out.
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