Monday, October 6, 2014

A Good Thing That Happened on Saturday Was...

… Cal read a library book to Dan.  Since he started school a couple of months ago now, Cal’s brought home a handful of library books from the school library.  Never more than one at a time, these books are more challenging for him than the letter-recognition and sight-word exercises that he’s doing in class… more challenging, but certainly readable by Cal.  We haven’t had a conference with his teacher yet, so these books have meant to me that the school is recognizing and acknowledging that Cal is pretty far ahead of what the average Kindergartener is capable of, specifically when it comes to reading.

Shame on us, but we haven’t spent very much time at all reading these books… at least, at home we haven’t.  That changed on Saturday morning when Dan asked Cal if he wanted to read his latest library book -- "Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins" -- to him, and Cal said that he did; and then they sat side by side on the couch, Cal manning and reading the book and Dan listening to every word intently.
Cal Reading
I was blogging at the time, so I didn’t hear the story.  I just heard Cal’s voice uninterrupted for several minutes.  While the book had pictures, each page had anywhere from 10 to 30 lines of words on it; and Cal read every one of them, at least as far as he read in the book.  At one point as Cal appeared to be tiring, Dan asked him if he wanted to stop.  He did.

Saturday had its share of good things, notable ones being Ella accompanying our cousin Julie to the store to pick out the yarn for her good-bedtimes blanket and the kids spending some happy, quality time with their cousins whom they don't see very often.  But I decided early that Cal reading that library book to Dan was the good thing about which I wanted to write.  It wasn't a loud good thing.  It wasn't flashy or funny or a noteworthy feat.  It was simple.  It was pleasant.  It was unassuming.  It was a good thing for sure.

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