Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Cal's Mail

Cal has a good friend named Mahima.  He's known her since he started going to his school out here in the suburbs 3 years ago when he was 18 months old.  Cal and Mahima, just a month younger than Cal, have moved from one classroom to the next basically together, so they've spent a lot of time together. From the beginning, Cal and Mahima just clicked.  Ask Cal who his friends are, and Mahima's always one of them.

Mahima happens to live in our subdivision, roughly 3 blocks away from where we live.  We drive past her house practically every day and say, "Hi, Mahima's house!"

Last week during our staycation, Cal started showing interest in mail, the mailbox and the mailman. I wasn't around for the initial, in-depth discussion Dan and Cal had about it, but I did get Dan's "Babe, I have Cal... we'll be right back" announcement from downstairs, followed by the closing of the front door.  I came to learn that they had to mail a couple of letters that Cal had written.  One was fully addressed, stamped and placed in our mailbox for the mailman (or a couple of mailmen) to deliver to Grandpa.  The second was walked those 3 blocks to Mahima's house and placed in her mailbox.

I haven't yet learned what was in the letter to Grandpa, but Mahima's contained a very simple message, written entirely by Cal:

"I love you Mahima"

So sweet.  I'm sure Cal meant it, too.

This past Monday morning when Cal returned to school, Mahima was already there and greeted him at the door.  Cal's a little shy after time away from his friends, so he stood behind me.  I said, "Hi, Mahima," to which she responded, "I got Cal's letter," smiling sweetly as she told me this.

This evening, Dan grabbed the mail from the mailbox and found an envelope addressed to Cal.  "To Cal," it read simply on the front.  On the back of the envelope was written, "From Mahima."  Cal excitedly opened up his mail and read his letter from Mahima, which was, in her handwriting:

"I love you too Cal. From Mahima"

Mahima's Letter to Cal (7/24/13)

I wonder if Cal and Mahima will be friends forever. I wonder if they'll date... and get married.  Aw, I don't want to get ahead of myself.  That Mahima's a keeper, though!  Then again, so is Cal!

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